乳房x光检查 is the Best Screening Method for Detecting Breast Cancer

Catching breast cancer in early stages through regular annual screening gives women the best chance of beating breast cancer. 


To schedule an appointment call 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743)



  • Guthrie Big Flats - 31 Arnot Road, Horseheads, NY
  • Guthrie Corning Hospital - 1 Guthrie Drive, Corning, NY
  • Guthrie Cortland Medical Center - 134 首页r Avenue, Cortland, N.Y.
  • Guthrie 伊萨卡 城市 Harbor - 720 Willow Avenue, 伊萨卡 NY
  • Guthrie 伊萨卡 Hanshaw - 1780 Hanshaw Road, 伊萨卡, NY
  • Guthrie Lourdes Breast Care Center - 169 Riverside Drive, Binghamton, NY 13905
    • 607-798-6161
  • Guthrie Owego - 1246 状态 Route 38, Owego, NY
  • Guthrie Southport - 1336 Cedar Street, Elmira, NY
  • Guthrie Vestal Shippers Road - 3101 Shippers Rd.纽约州维斯塔市13850
    • 607-584-4549


  • Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, 1 Guthrie Square, Sayre, PA
  • Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Towanda Campus, 91 Hospital Drive, Towanda,, PA
  • 格斯里·特洛伊社区医院. 宾夕法尼亚州特洛伊格斯里路275号
  • Guthrie Wellsboro - 110 Plaza Lane, Wellsboro, PA 


乳房x光检查使用 x射线 to look at the inner structure of the breast. Radiologists looking at mammography images can detect cancer when it is too small to be felt.

The breast is compressed under a paddle as images are acquired. 我们使用二维乳房x光检查, 哪个在两个视图中拍照, 和3D乳房x光检查, which takes multiple images from many angles.

3 d乳房x光检查, 或者乳房断层合成, is the best imaging technology for screening women with dense breasts or who are at high risk for developing breast cancer. It allows the doctor to view many thin segments of breast tissue much like the pages of a book. This results in a clearer and more comprehensive view of breast tissue.

Who Should Get a Mammogram and When?

平均风险: Beginning at age 40, every woman should get a screening mammogram annually.

高的风险: Women at higher risk should talk to their doctor about the appropriate age to start screenings and how often is appropriate. Groups who are at higher risk for developing breast cancer can include:

  • Genetic mutation known to greatly increase breast cancer risk including BRCA 1 or 2
  • Family history of breast cancer, even without a genetic abnormality
  • 历史 of chest radiation under age 30
  • Prior breast biopsy showing abnormal cells
  • 德系犹太妇女体面

了解更多关于 乳腺癌的高危人群.


It all starts with a conversation. If you’re younger than the recommended age for mammography (40 years old for average risk women) and have a history of breast cancer in your family (mother, sister or aunt with breast cancer) talk to your provider or contact the 高风险乳癌诊所 at 570-887-2850. Starting mammograms at an earlier age may be appropriate for you.

Women with a strong family history of breast cancer may need to start mammography screening earlier, 也许只有30岁, and additional screening with MRI may be recommended in addition to annual mammography. 

What If I Feel Something Abnormal?

Guthrie encourages anyone with questions or concerns about their breast health to contact their primary care provider and/or request a diagnostic evaluation at one of Guthrie's Breast Imaging Centers by calling 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743). Symptoms of breast cancer can include:

  • 肿块
  • 乳头溢液
  • 皮肤的变化


  • We have a team of specially trained breast radiologists who read high volumes of breast images every day.
  • We offer 3D mammography and breast MRI for women with dense breasts or who are at high risk for developing breast cancer.
  • Designated Breast Imaging Centers of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
    • Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa.
    • Guthrie Corning Hospital in Corning, N.Y.
  • Recognized by National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC)
    • Guthrie Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, NY

All Guthrie 乳房x光检查 locations are accredited by the American College of Radiology.

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